Why did I wait so long to do this?
The initial testing cutover went well, I have to do some work to re-organize the photos, but it seems that hugo will work out for the site. I need to do some serious reading, as it is a lot different, but the theming system seems to be easier to use and the short codes look like they will be quite useful.
Since we have github themed markdown, I can use it for lists. I’ll carry the list forward as I get items completed. Things to get do:
- Theme
- Publish to the web server
- Asciidoc support
- Pandas support
- Disqus integration
- Gitlab integration
- Mailing list integration (sort of)
- Better documentation on how I out it together so I don’t have to figure it out next time.
I also need to rework the static pages and see about giving other people access. I would think I can manage that by allowing multiple committers to the project when I put it up on github/gitlab/bitbucket/whatever.
I wonder if we have multiple author support yet? Adding an author line does not cause a new author to appear. Perhaps disabling it in the config.toml file?