Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Sep 19, 2007 - 2 minute read - Comments

Recent Events

This is nothing bad, just a commentary on recent events (as in Open Source, HTCIA, etc).

Last Saturday was Software Freedom Day 2007. The local event was held at Carleton University in the Tory Building (3rd floor, not 4th as was advertised). To say the turnout was underwhelming would be an understatement. I think there may have been 5 people who showed up. This just shows we didn’t have enough advertising for the event. On the plus side, there was time to chat with the other Open Source folks and that was entertaining for the 5 hours or so that we were there. Another bonus is that parking on campus is free on weekends.

Projects of interest:

There was the OCLUG meeting earlier in the month that had a presentation on OpenWRT, which is going to be the main event this Thursday at the meeting. The other projects were of interest as well, embedded systems, web cam support in the kernel. Check out their website for more details

I was also at the OCUUG meeting 13th, Lots of old faces (as in regular participants) and a couple of new ones. Had a good time and caugt up with a few people whom I had not seen in a while. I also managed to post some audio from the BSDCan 2007 conference to my blog on vox, so check it out if you feel so inclined. Once Dan has decided where the actual podcasts will reside, I’ll post a link to all the audio files.

Last night I attended the September HTCIA meeting and listened to the first part of the three part case study. I enjoyed it, but the audience participation made it run a little long and the rpesenter had to rush at the end. It looks like the next session will be very interesting, as we start getting into the meat of the matter.

Not a whole lot of other stuff to talk about, there is the meeting this Thursday for this group, so that may be interesting.

Software Freedom Day Post September Meeting Followup

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