Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Feb 23, 2002 - 2 minute read - Comments

Re Re February Meeting

Ok, (Cut-n-Paste time since egroups *will not* send me a verification
email for my address)

Time to apologize yet again, but due to the aggressive time
schedule I am currently under to complete a ridiculous number of tasks
before Feb. 25th, plus the fact that I can only work on some of my
servers now before 9am and after 5pm I am going to have to postpone
again. Good news is.. Feb. 25th was a date set back in December, and
after that I am back to regular working hours (like I believe that)

So…. as for topics

Seems that I have been involved in some of the more convoluted network
infrastructure designs for the past couple of years, so I will
probably talk about the different methods of network redundancy on
Solaris servers. Network redundancy the cheap hard way or the easy,
more costly way :) If your interested in any other aspects of putting
a light out data center together, let me know and I will try and put
together a bit more.

So .. my tips for tonight

  1. If you are running Solaris Servers with the UltraSparc IIe
    processor (64bit only cpu) make sure you have applied the latest patch
    bundle. There is a nasty bug that was not addressed in the Solaris
    10/01 release of Solaris 8 (guess what Im doing tonight)

  2. If you have enabled SNMP on any of your network devices that is
    accessible from the internet… You may be at risk.
    check out

Steve B

ovsage wrote:

Details for the next meeting of Ottawa Valley SAGE.

Location: Mitel Networks
Suite 1500, 15th Floor.
150 Metcalfe St.

SW corner of Metcalfe and Laurier

Date: Thursday February 21, 2002

Time: 7:00PM

Directions: Queensway Heading east or west, take the Metcalfe Exit
and head north to Laurier.

There is a public parking lot 2 blocks west on Laurier
and another one block east.


Mystery Topic - Stephen Beaton (deferred from January, deferred from
December) I’m keeping this on the schedule until it happens.

Topics for next months meeting. Re February Meeting

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