Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Apr 21, 2016 - 2 minute read - Comments

Post April Follow-Up

Not a lot of follow-up for the talk this evening. All the salient details are in the slides in the downloads area. I’m finding the use of browser based slides to be quite liberating and with a little luck I won’t be using an office suite for any presentations in the future.

As a result of this, next month there will be a short talk on generating browser based (HTML5) presentations. It will be a full interactive session, so you might want to have a computer handy that runs python and pip. It will be a lot more interesting if you participate.

I’ll cover a few of them1, just to be interesting, but the interactive portion will be with just one, the one I’ll be doing the talk with.

You might want to make sure you have a passing familiarity with markdown. You can get more information from Daring Fireball

In other news, another group I’m involved with ( OCLUG) will be having a Raspberry Pi day at Algonquin. This will probably be in September to maximize attendence. Details are not available yet, but they will get posted here and the event will be added to the group calendar.

  1. I’m considering beamer, slidy, landslide, and hovercraft for the talk, although I could change that up a bit. ↩︎

Tags: SSL Let's Encrypt ACME

March Followup SSL Testing with Qualys Labs

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