Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Jan 12, 2000 - 1 minute read - Comments

[ovsage] January Meeting

Details for the next meeting of Ottawa Valley SAGE.

Location: Ambleside Phase 1.
1081 Ambleside Dr

Date: Thursday Jqanuary 20, 1999

Time: 19:00

Directions: Ambleside Dr. runs parallel to Richmond Rd (1 street
north). The nearest well known intersection is Woodroffe
Ave & Richmond Rd. From there, go west on Richmond Rd.
(approx 1 mile) and turn right on McEwen. This will
become Ambleside Dr. Turn left at Ambleside Phase 1.

There is plenty of parking available beside the building.

Note: The boardroom does not have an intercom. Please ring
InterNo 174 (J. Charbonneau) to gain access inside the

Topics: Progress reports on ongoing activities, new web site

[ovsage] OVSAGE Minutes for 991118 [ovsage] !!! Meeting Date Change - Jan 27 !!!

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