Ottawa Valley SAGE

Providing a forum since 1998

Feb 21, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

Once more, a new system

As I have been promising, I have finally pushed the new site live.

Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to migrate data and users from the old site, so I will be bringing over the users from the old site. If you are impatient, register again and I’ll avoid duplicating you. Due to a difference in the password encoding mechanisms used, you will have to use the lost password feature to get a new one.

The content will migrate over the next week or two, as I get the time. The ultimate goal is to get all the prior content, all the way back to the original content from the first mailing list.

Features will be added as I get a chance and as far as I can tell, this is a much more manageable system for handling upgrades. I have gone with a grittier look for the front page, and some of you might even recognize the background image.

This will be a more open system then the previous one and the content will be readable by anyone who wishes to. Comments and posts will still require registration and the first ones will require approval. That should handle most issues. I will be adding the Creative Commons logos as well.

Tags: beginnings new site starting over

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