Details for the next meeting of Ottawa Valley SAGE.
Location: TBD, potentially ExitCertified
85 Albert St., Suite 1200
Second building on NE corner of Metcalfe and Albert
Date: Thursday April 18, 2002
Time: 7:00PM
Remember, this is subject to change and will be reposted Tuesday
night with finalized details.
Directions: Queensway Heading east or west, take the Metcalfe Exit
and head north to Laurier or Albert.
There is a public parking lot 2 blocks west on Laurier
and another one block east.
If you continue to Albert, you can park in the World Exchange Plaza
garage. The sign is obvious as you reach Albert.
The doors will be locked as it is after normal working hours, so it
would be a good thing to be there by 7:00.
Topics: None assigned, due to small turnout at the last meeting (3
people)I’ll have something ready and posted by Tuesday night.