Ottawa Valley SAGE

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May 16, 2010 - 1 minute read - Comments

June Meeting

Title: June Meeting
Location: Pythian
Link out: Click here

This month we will be having a presentation from Eseri on virtual environments. Their description follows:

Cloud Computing technology is progressing at several layers - OS virtualization, data-center virtualization, browser based application delivery, and desktop virtualization. Eseri is a local company that has integrated a full organization IT solution from the best of the world’s open source, from hosted Intranet to desktops to applications, and host it in the cloud for access on virtual desktops. Eseri CTO and VP Engineering will demonstrate their solution, describe the architecture, and discuss the security advantages of the virtual desktop approach to the cloud.

Time availability will dictate if we get to continuing the server project. This month we will be adding a basic web server and webmail to the system

Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-06-17
End Time: 21:30

Course Notes in Forums Ottawa Spring Career Fair this week

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