Title: July Meeting 2013
Location: Tim Horton’s, 660 Eagleson Rd, Kanata
Link out:
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Description: It is July already…
Not a lot of topic info for this month, given that it is typically a quiet month for our meetings.
I was considering the following items:
- Fun things to do with a Raspberry Pi - FM Radio transmitter
- Monitoring tools has come up as a side topic at OCLUG, so a list of basic ones comes to mind. Maybe we will have some discussion on experiences with them
- Renato wanted some PXE boot info, so we can certainly add that to the pot, including all of those nice things we can do with a PXE environment and TFTPD and DHCPD
- SysAdmin Appreciation Day is coming, so we should pick a venue for a short social evening
- Any other topics
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2013-07-18
End Time: 21:30