Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Aug 17, 2013 - 1 minute read - Comments

Image galleries are currently unavailable.

Well, they are disabled at the moment due to a problem with the RSS feed. After having it brought to my attention a few days ago, I finally had a chance to have a look and it seems that the combination of plugins I have all work except the nextgen gallery, so I’ll be messing around with gallery plugins for a little bit and update the posts when I get it fixed. Lucking there are only a small number that reference galleries.

In other news, assuming you have a modern browser, you can log in with SSL. Your browser needs to support SNI, but I suspect most people don’t even bother logging in. I need to see if I can force SSL based registration. That might defeat the handful of spam users I get every day.

August Meeting Notes September Meeting 2013

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