Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Feb 16, 2009 - 1 minute read - Comments

February Meeting

This Thursday, 19:00 at Fidus.

We have a proposed topic of “Cloud Computing” and it is an interesting topic. I’m not sure that everyone has thought about the long term implications of on-demand computing or how it would affect the way we work. I’m sure it will be an interesting discussion.

Other things of note would be that I will be (if not by the time we get the meeting going) setting up an Asterisk server for my home use. I keep wanting to do it and never get to it. I do have an Asterisk based PBX in the office that I maintain and it’s not fun to be locked out. This is probably the real reason I’m going to get to it now. Once it’s up, I have to decide what I am going to do about my real PBX. Should be lots of fun. Setting up clusters will also be an interesting exercise. Once it’s complete, I’ll do a talk on the setup and how well it worked, as well as firewalls, protocols and strange things one has to do with enterprise gear.