Just in case you don’t look at the calendar, we will be having the
meeting a week late. I’ll have stories of data center dismantling and
other goodness as well as the surprising tale of getting a renewed
Other topics are welcome, as well as any technical conundrums to be
Looks like I was asleep at the switch in March, forgot to post the BSD
meeting, forgot to post the ovSAGE meeting. Perhaps I’ll do better this
month. Stay tuned.
BSDCan, a BSD conference held in Ottawa, Canada,
has quickly established itself as the technical conference for people
working on and with 4.4BSD based operating systems and related projects.
The organizers have found a fantastic formula that appeals to a wide
range of people from extreme novices to advanced developers. BSDCan 2008
will be held on 16-17 May 2008 at University of Ottawa, and will be
preceeded by two days of Tutorials on 14-15 May 2008.
I was just catching up on my reading when I stumbled across this gem of
a link:
Now, as it doesn’t identify itself via the URL, it is a windows service
pack blocking tool.
The blurb from the Microsoft web page is as follows:
A blocking tool is available for organizations that would like to
temporarily prevent installation of Windows Service Pack updates
through Windows Update. This tool can be used with:
It seems that chroot has been incorporated into OpenSSH in the latest
release, making it much easier to enable sftp-only accounts that are
confined to their homedir:
Previously, you had to implement cumbersome patches and hacks to achieve
this functionality, which is easily enabled in vsftpd and some other FTP