For those who didn’t know, the Ontario GNU/Linux Fest in Toronto has
been canceled. You can read more about it on the
official site, but the short answer is it’s
a lot of work to get one going and to organize it.
When I found out about it (Thanks Jim), I made a comment about possibly
trying to get a similar event off the ground here. It’s certainly not
impossible, but it will take work. We already have
The Ottawa Linux Symposium, so is there room
for an additional conference here in the capital? This is currently a
single day event and held on a weekend, so it’s not a long event
commitment and it certainly is not Ohio Linux Fest!
For those who are unaware, the LISA 2010 conference registration has
been opened.

Visit the
Usenix event page for
detailed information and to register.
For the unknowing or uninformed, LISA is the big annual System
Administration conference sponsored by Usenix. LOPSA has a hand in there
as well.
If you are really going to make this a career and not just a
job, you should attend one of these conferences. Words do not really
describe the experience, ask Kelly some time.
I have uploaded the config files I talked about during the meeting.
These files make reference to some extra items such as greylisting and
spamassassin, as well as the use of self-signed SSL certificates. You
will notice a new menu item on the site under
About called
ovSAGE Downloads. Go
there for the tarball which contains the default and production files
as well as diff files for each pair.
The main documents for all of this are located on the CentOS website.
The following items describe the docs and their locations:
Free Online Course
Processing with Arduino](
Create your own drawing and animation software-and learn basic
programming and electronics skills at the same time. This engaging
5-week online course introduces you to two simple tools: Processing, a
programming language for visual thinkers, and Arduino, a hardware
platform for working with electronics. You’ll learn how to use these
tools together to build something useful right away. You’ll learn to:
- Use Processing to create basic software applications
- Make your own drawing and animation tools
- Create a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to control your software
- Use an Arduino to provide physical controls for your drawing and
animation tools
Learn more
Processing and Arduino in Tandem.
It’s amazing what you can fix by looking at a problem again after
leaving it alone. After the server change, OS upgrade, new install,
etc., one would think that everything would be simple. Well, it actually
is. One of those odd little things that you need to do if you are using
“pretty permalinks” is to fix the default apache configuration to allow
overrides on file info. That was the whole issue. It made sense later
when I remembered I had been running the old webserver and configuration
for better than 10 years (with lots of changes).