Title: February Meeting
Location: Pythian
Link out:
Click here
Description: Based on some recent work I have done for a client,
I’m going to give a little overview on how to set up a secured file
distribution for multiple clients so that you can get away from FTP and
you can manage in a simple fashion.
Other topics include:
- Possible changes to the website to make documentation easier
- Creating epub books with OpenOffice
- Open discussion.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-02-17
End Time: 21:30
no description

Beautiful Security is a collection of essays on security thought from a
variety of industry leaders. The sixteen chapters of the book cover a
surprisingly wide base of security domains making it worth reading just
for the exposure to the wealth of ideas. The fact that the essays are
intellectually entertaining is a bonus.
The best sections of this book are the places where some of my long held
beliefs get challenged by the chapter author, particularly the issues
involved with security in cloud computing. I still have a healthy
skepticism for the claims of cloud service providers, but the concept
that we will not get any better at securing abstracted compute
environments until we start using them is correct. You do not become an
expert at something until you invest a significant amount of time and
practice into it, so how can we expect to secure these environments
unless we use them?
Title: January Meeting
Location: Pythian
Link out:
Click here
Description: First meeting of the new year. Nothing formal
scheduled, but I do have an interesting video to show if there is
- Automation
- Documentation
- Tools for the above
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-01-20
End Time: 21:30
The following is copied from the announcement web page at
Blogger Review Program
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and videos in exchange for your honest reviews.
- Login, provide a link to your review, then request another ebook
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A new way for you to get early access to great books and videos about
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Title: Annual Social
Location: The Lieutenant’s Pump
Link out:
Click here
Description: Social event - food, talk, drink, etc.
Bring SO’s, all welcome.
I’ll see if I can arrange some extra goodies from LOPSA and/or Usenix.
We have a reservation under ovsage.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-12-16
End Time: 21:30