May 19, 2012 - 1 minute read - Comments
Pictures from BSDCan 2012
Here are a selection of pictures. If you want to see more, check out the BSDCan page on facebook. There may be references back to these pictures, but there will be many others as well.

Img 1770
May 19, 2012 - 4 minute read - Comments
Post May Meeting update
First thing, it was great to have a few more people at this meeting. Seven people is a step up our low numbers and hopefully we will attract a few more people. As we discussed, we will meet at The Second Cup in Bell’s Corners next month. They close at 21:00 now, so those who are in danger of pumpkin mode need not worry. I’ll drop the entry in the event calendar with a TBD for the topic.
May 14, 2012 - 1 minute read - Comments
May Meeting 2012
Title: May Meeting 2012
Location: Tim Horton’s, 660 Eagleson Rd, Kanata
Link out:
Description: It’s the week after BSDCan 2012 and a few of our
regular attendees were at the conference as volunteers and attendees.
Lots of interesting things, so perhaps a bit of a discussion of what
went on at the conference is in order.
iX Systems left behind a stack of PC-BSD 9.0 64bit DVDs and some FreeNAS 8.0.4 p1 and 8.2 rc3 64 bit discs as well. I’ll bring along a handful of them. Feel free to take a bunch and pass them out to anyone who might want to play with an alternative OS. I think I installed PC-BSD 9 with no issues in a VM, which is a step above the RC versions we were playing with at the BSD install fest we did a while ago. (different user group)
May 2, 2012 - 1 minute read - Comments
BSDCan 2012 is next week (May 11,12)
Just a reminder that BSDCan 2012 starts May 11th. On the evening of May 10th, there will be an OCBUG meeting at the Royal Oak on Laurier near the University of Ottawa. This will be a very social meeting, as people from all over will be there as conference attendees, some of whom you may already know. Come out and meet old friends and make a few new ones. For anyone interested, registration for the conference and registration packages handouts will also be happening at the pub during this time.
Apr 18, 2012 - 1 minute read - Comments
Topic for April may be expanded.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see the comments that were pending until just recently and forgot to approve them. I think the talk on consulting is timely and we should have that talk. As I know we have at least one person looking for the ssh bits, we can have that discussion and if it peters out quickly, we can go on to talk about the issues Kent raised. If that doesn’t work out, we can always have the talk in May. Comments welcome.