Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Dec 20, 2008 - 2 minute read - Comments


Wow, I’m on vacation. No exotic destination this time, unless you consider the flights of fancy from reading lots of sci-fi, fantasy and more tech books and journals than I’d care to think about.

Time to get my house in order as they say. I have about 3 years worth of neglected projects sitting around and I’m overwhelmed with the possibilities - where to start? I have 15 issues of Make: to inspire me, 2 microcontroller prototyping systems, VoIP servers, web servers, specialized computers, steampunk, etc. The list goes on and on (and on…) so I can’t even identify a beginning. I may be forced to admit defeat and start with a less lofty goal and maybe just gut the techcollection (yes, new word) I have and start with gear that’s newer than five years old.

I have 2 weeks to get somewhere. If I’m lucky, then by the end of the week I’ll be in a position to actually be able to see what I have and get started on a worthy project - with my luck that will be taking out the trash.

Oh well, I had best get started and get working on this vacation. If I don’t, the two weeks will have flown by with nothing to show for it… Oh wait, isn’t that what a vacation is all about?

Items from the December Meeting IT is not a place to cut your budget.

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