Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Mar 20, 2011 - 1 minute read - Comments

Post March Meeting Followup

Just so we have some notes fro the meeting, I have to provide the following presentations before our next meeting:

  • The finished Secure FTP Server presentation
  • The SSL Certificate and useful commands presentation
  • A short piece on care and feeding of an Apache based Secure file downloading service

I mentioned BSDCan 2011 again. - the site appears to be working now, so it must have been an anomaly. I meant to pass out DVDs for PCBSD to everyone, but only managed to give out a few after the meeting. I’ll bring some more to the next meeting.

We did talk about a few other things, but they did not stick in my head and I didn’t think to take any notes, so if anyone wants to remind me, please either comment or send me an email.

Suggestions for any new topics are welcome as well.  Bruce mentioned fortigate boxes, so maybe we could impose on him to give a short talk about the product.

LOPSA mentoring Mentoring - second post

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