Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Jul 21, 2004 - 2 minute read - Comments

Post July Meeting Info

We had a successful meeting, people arrived, we chatted, we even watched a short talk that had been given at BSDcan 2004 on IP Law and Innovation. The meeting was well attended (for us), and we actually managed the planned agenda. Another first.

We started with a video from the BSDcan 2004 conference that was held at UofO last May, and other than the sound being a little on the low side, it was pretty interesting. There are other videos planned for future meetings, so don’t feel left out. Come out see the next one.

We discussed the recent LPI certification exams, and have decided to schedule another one for September. We plan on advertising this one a little more, so there should be a higher turnout.

There was a suggestion on taking a Saturday afternoon or something like that and doing a runthrough of some tutorial material for the certification, as the exam expects that you have practical experience with this stuff before. This will help to firm up any loose notions you have.

We also discussed remote access to a machine for remote administration of another remote site when you are too far away to have easy access to a high speed connection (or possibly even dialup). Antenna boosters and cheap cellphone packages were discussed, and hopefully a working system will come out of it.

We should start recording this like a proper meeting so that we can capture everything. I have a pretty lousy memory, and this is all I remember not even a week later.

Exams Tomorrow LPI Exams???

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