Ottawa Valley SAGE

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Jun 4, 2004 - 1 minute read - Comments

LPI Exam Opportunity

ovSAGE is pleased to announce that we will be sponsoring an LPI certification testing session.

We are considering July 10, 2004 as the tentative date. Click on “read more” for details

[![no description](/img/2004/LPI-Logo.png)](

The exam will be held Altera’s Ottawa Technology Center; the same place we hold our monthly meetings. The exact date and detailed information will be posted later, as more information is made available.

This will be an open testing (as in open to the community at large), and we hope to see lots of people attending to get their certification. If you know of anyone who has ever thought of getting a Linux certification, this is one of those golden opportunities, as there is no local testing center yet.

Details as to price, times, which exams are to be offered, etc. will be forthcoming. Watch this space for more info.

More items... June Meeting

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